Crochet spring


Like a lot of people living in states with snow, we are ready for Spring! Thankfully the snow is melting here really fast and the temperatures are rising.

To get in the mood of Spring I decided to crochet some really bright and cheery coasters.


Materials List

Size F US/4.0mm crochet hook
Yarn needle

Caron Simply Soft acrylic yarn in white (petals) and yellow (cup)

Finished Size

Flower is about 5″ wide


Gauge is not important in this project, just be sure that the fabric is tight enough so you do not have large holes in your petals.


I crocheted these in yellow and white, but daffodils come in a wide variety of colors, so use your imagination!

The Pattern

center (make 1):
Ch 12, join to beginning to make a circle.
Sc in each of 12 chs. Do not join rounds, and work in a spiral instead, single crocheting in each stitch around until center piece is a tube about an inch long.


(sc, hdc, dc) in each stitch around for one round to make the ruffled edge. Tie off yarn and weave in ends.


petals (make 6):
Ch 4
Sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across – 3 st. ch 1 and turn.
Sc 2 in first stitch. sc in next stitch. sc 2 in last stitch. There should be 5 stitches. ch 1 and turn.
Sc 2. sc in next 3 stitches. sc 2 in last stitch. There are 7 stitches in this row. ch 1 and turn.
Work next 4 rows even.
Sc in second stitch from hook. Sc next two stitches together. Sc in next stitch. Sc next two stitches together. Sc in last stitch. Ch1 and turn.
Sc in second stitch from hook. Sc next two stitches together. Sc next two stitches together. Ch 1 and turn.
Sc in second stitch from hook. Sc next two stitches together. Ch 1 and turn.
Sc two remaining stitche together. Tie off yarn. You should have a petal-shaped piece as shown below.


The edges of your petal will be rough, so join the yarn at bottom of petal. Working along the edge of the petal, pick up and sc 11 stitches. In the space at the top of the petal, sc 3 times. Pick up and sc 11 stitches down the other side of the petal. Tie off yarn and weave in ends. The edges of your petal should now be even and finished-looking.


Sew petals together to create the back of the flower.


Sew center onto the flower, and weave in all ends.



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